Everyday is like Sunday…

The data are in! And looking at the results this blog could just as well been called:

1) I wish Everyday was like Saturday

2) Why my parents should take me with them on vacation

3) Why my parents should retire…or at least work from home.

Below are some graphs from the numbers my Whistle has collected over the past 130 days or so.  I am going to focus most of this discussion on my Activity levels.

Activity small

Figure 1: My daily activity over time.

Activity Broken down

Figure 2:  My activity based on different types of days.  Weekdays – days our parents are at work (54.4 + 1.3 activity units); Weekends – days when our parents are at home (69.1 + 2.3); Vacations – days when Sammy and I got to go with our parents on a trip (97.5 + 6.8); Left Behind – when our parents went on a trip and left us at home (24.0 + 3.5).   By the way, those are statistically significant differences.


Figure 3: Percentage of days I hit my goal of 30 or greater based on the type of day.  On weekdays, weekends and vacations I have hit my goal 100% of the time!  When we were left behind I only hit my goal 40% of the days.

Vacations big

Figure 4: My activity during the period my parents were on vacations that we were left behind and the days surrounding their absences.  Blue dots are either weekdays or weekends.  The orange dots are the days my parents left or returned where they spent at least part of the day with us.  The red dots are when we have not seen them all day.


Figure 5:  My sleep numbers over the same time frame.  In general my sleep is pretty consistent but it did spike and hit new highs during those vacations my parents took without us – no coincidence, these are the same days my activity bottomed out.


Well really there is only one conclusion I could make from this data set and that is for an active girl like me it is best that my parents take me wherever they go.  I’ll even go to work with them if they are not ready to retire.  And I’ll behave.  Honest!  I took the liberty of “Photoshoping” myself into a picture of Dad at work to illustrate how good I could be:

Montana at work

But if I was given the choice, my parental folk would either stay home everyday or take me up into the mountains where I can run and run and run…and then relax or nap like Sammy (plus I don’t think Tornado-ing would be allowed at work 😦 ).

IMG_9892 IMG_9902


Have I mentioned I am a numbers girl?

2 thoughts on “Everyday is like Sunday…

  1. way too complicated for me montypup!
    but i too wish they could work from home and spend ALL their time with you and sammy!
    that’s what i would call a very uncomplicated and lovely life!
    i’m for taking MORE vacations with you puppies!!! XO♥


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