Me and the Medicated Men

There are three of them but you should not get confused by the time of season and assume they are wise.  After my scribe had his wisdom tooth yanked out I have been doing a little research on intelligence vs. wisdom – but the insights I have gleamed from these readings are a topic for another post…maybe in the new year.


Anyhow, here I am sitting in the middle of these three highly medicated individuals.  Sammy has a hurt paw – still trying to figure out exactly what is going on with him – and is currently on antibiotics…and since he has a wrap on his paw he is condemned to wearing the cone of shame.  I’ll keep you posted on how he is doing after our vet visit next Monday.  For some reason he doesn’t seem so ashamed with that ridiculous thing on his head – but he isn’t really known for his fashion sense:

During his first visit, I once again had to wait in the vets examination room with my parents.  I am quite attentive to any noise that comes from the direction in which Sammy went.  And get quite excited when he returns.  I also take some time to inspect their handy work – as you will note in the following unedited clip.  Sam is already ready to leave straight away when he gets back but I know that we have to listen to the doc’s instructions and wait to get the appropriate medications.

My uncle S is on all sorts of drugs including some pretty good pain meds when things get bad.  This is on account of some intra-cranial infection which was quite scary and resulted in the Vets at the big hospital drilling a hole in his skull.   Sounds down right unpleasant to me but the alternative – no more uncle S – is a far more displeasing option…not only is he a decent petter but sometimes during big holiday meals he lets me clean up around his chair!

Then there is my “Pa.”  He just celebrated his 90th birthday and for some reason has decided this is a good year to take some headers.  The first was this summer in a bank.  Blood everywhere.  A broken nose.  But overall he wasn’t too set back by this accident – aside from the fact that his wife didn’t take advantage of the scene to clean out the bank vault.  He told me if she had done that I could have had steak for every meal I eat at their house.  Oh well.  Would rather have him healthy than have him fall, to be quite honest.  But then he did it again.  This time at home.  He is still hurting from that fall but he was a good husband and managed to NOT bleed on the carpeting so the clean up was easy.  But since this fall he too is on pain meds among other things to help him get better.

The strangest part to me is that my aunt who is a nurse who is no longer working in a hospital setting has been spending a lot of time on the wards again tending to these family patients…or at least translating the medical news from the attending physicians.  Too bad she didn’t get paid for all this extra work.  But what I really hope is that she gets a LOT of time off from these duties – maybe through the whole of 2016!  Shucks, I’ll shoot for gold… through 2025; part of my long-range plan.




Coyote Ugly

Big goings on in our neighborhood recently.  The neighbors spotted a coyote on our street – in fact, right in front of our house!

coyoteThis really wasn’t any news to us as we had sniffed him out long ago…but it did add some excitement (and an additional jump or two) to our next couple of walks.  Apparently, there has been a number of sightings of these guys since “The Village” cleared out an area of all the trees and undergrowth where they had been living.  Now don’t get me going about the village after what they made Sammy and my parents go through when a small addition was added to our house – but that was before my time and I might be a bit fuzzy on the details.  Needless to say, I don’t need all the details to get angry if it made my parents upset.  Once again I have apparently gotten off the subject.  I had been meaning to discuss feral canines and the infiltration of these guys into our suburban enclave.  I respect them for living outside all year round – don’t know if I could handle one of these winters without my heating vents (and the down comforter at night) – being from the South as I am and all.  Now despite my reverence for their physical toughness and willingness to live such a life I still must say that next to my new boyfriend Hawkeye (and to some extent Sammy) those guys are not very attractive.  I mean don’t they ever go to the spa?  Not very North Shore of them.  I didn’t get a close enough look but I suspect they don’t get mani/pedis either.  I for one take great pride in my toes and always get the black nail polish – if I do say so myself, it just works with my coat!

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Teenage Wasteland

Happy Birthday Sambuca!

We got an extra long walk this afternoon to celebrate my big brother’s birthday (or something which approximates this occasion- since he was born in the wild and no true documentation exists of his exact arrival on this temporal time plane which we call reality).  Anyhow, I think I just sidetracked myself with details not relevant to this post.

What I really wanted to express today is how excited I (and our entire pack) is that Sammy has stuck around for 13 years.   Of course this makes him a teenager in human terms which is usually when really bad behavior starts to express itself in adolescent people.  Fear not my friends.  Sammy went through that phase long ago…not to say he still doesn’t express a little deviance now and again – something about that boy that we all love.  But today is his special day.  As you can probably discern from the following video sequence, I was particularly thrilled about his birthday.  Not just because I too got to go on a long walk this afternoon but I suspect we’ll get a great dinner in celebration of this occasion (I am holding my breath for a surf and turf extravaganza).


But given it is a dog-rabration, the real excitement is that Sammy has been around for a full 13 years – and he is still going strong.  I expect at least one, if not two, big time vacations up in the mountains of New Mexico before he decides he is ready for college.  So I have to temper my enthusiasm and realize that the party might not go hog wild tonight (probably a little Netflix and some good old couch time – after the surf and turf of course).

But as you can probably tell from these few pics, the walk was quite a success!  After all,  what is a walk without a little teenage WASTE!


More soon,

oh yeah…Happy Holidays (in case I get distracted…again):


Bring Out the Limp

On Sunday the weather was beautiful!  Well at least for a December afternoon.  It was a good thing since my parents still had to clean up some of the stuff in the backyard and get things put away for the winter…somehow they didn’t find time before now this fall to do this work.  I am not complaining…it gave Sammy and I another chance to have some more fun in the yard.  And even better…my new friend “Hawkeye” was there hanging out in his backyard.  After some good sniffs between the fence between Hawkeye and myself  (Sammy may have marked the fence right around where Hawkeye was at) I got a little excited and started to sprint around the yard – to show off some of my mad skills to the big guy.  Unfortunately, I seem to have caught my foot on something during my romp.  Sooo embarrassing.   But the worse part is I had trouble on our walk during the evening – eeping a couple of times when I landed on my paw after a jump.  Of course, since I am a quick learner, it only took a couple trials to realize if the inspiration to jump took over my consciousness, I needed to land on my other three paws and then GENTLY set down my hurt one.  At least this time my dad didn’t take any of his ridiculous pictures of me in pain and as I limped around the house.

This is in contrast to the last time I hurt one of my paws.  Here are a few examples of my condition that time:

That time was particularly bad as my dew claw got really ripped badly.  In fact, after a couple of visits to the vets office in which it was determined the wound was not healing properly, an appointment was made for me to have stitches put in to get things to heal up faster.  My parents dropped me off at the vets on their way to work and by the time they got there there was a message that they could come and get me whenever they wanted as my paw was back in a-one shape!

The good news this time is that after I woke up on Monday morning I was pretty much back in jumping form!

Hope everyone else out there that isn’t feeling well now gets back to normal as soon as possible!
