And Then There Were None – The Return of Scoots

Earlier this week, along with making his standard loaves of sourdough bread, Dad finally got around to making cinnamon rolls…something Mom has been requesting for a month or so as part of our bartering system with some of our new neighbors who have left sweets on our doorstep. Strangely, it usually takes them getting a text to go check the front porch for the goodies despite Zoe announcing the encroachment of possible intruders outside…and the amazing smells that were wafting under the doorway.

As an example of their general cluelessness, awhile back Zoe was going nuts at the front of the house while the rest of us were chilling in the back of the house. Both Mom and Dad tried to calm her but their attempts were for not. Finally Mom decided to open the front door and show her that there was nothing there. However, to their surprise (them being the humans) two of Chef Mikes children were standing out there with a plate of brownies! Our parents were shocked and slightly embarrassed because the kids probably heard them cursing out Zoe for how long? HAHAHAHA.

Back to the cinnamon rolls. Dad finished them after lunch and once they had cooled some he put them in the part of the oven that wasn’t heated for the baking phase. Mom was busy Zooming in her office upstairs and he had to run out to pick up some groceries. The rolls were unattainable to us pups in his absence…grrrrr.

Upon his return, and Mom finishing up with her meetings, the rolls were taken out and placed on the counter where about half of them were divided up for some of the neighbors. Once appropriately wrapped up by mom, the packages were delivered in short order and the remainder of the pan pushed to the far back of the counter.

Rolls for Human Consumption (delivered)

In the meantime, without proper supervision in the kitchen, Zoe helped herself to the rest of the pan of these tasty treats – or at least she told me they were good…no one else in our house got any! The noise of Zoe licking the frosting off the aluminum foil is what got her busted but somehow she had gotten the glass casserole dish onto the floor without anyone knowing.

Of course consuming SO much food without her enzymes mixed in, Zoe had quite the bad belly most of the night. Dad got up twice in the middle of the night for her episodes of the scoots. The third time Zoe seemed agitated Mom quickly got up to let her out but Zoe instead jumped on the bed and took Mom’s spot and fell back asleep.

Eventually, over the course of the following day which included a couple of appropriately enzymed kibble, Zoe’s belly issues were resolved and everyone slept well the following night.

Next time he makes these rolls a couple of co-workers of Mom requested they get some rather than Zoe. Best of luck to our parents with that goal – Zoe is CRAFTY!!!

The (Hungry) Tempest

A Few of Our Favorite Things

As you may recall from a previous post, Zoe and I pretty much go for a walk everyday around noon. Upon our return it is lunch time for Zoe and I get to run around the house looking for kibble bits – my daily Easter Egg hunt if you will. Before being given her bowl of food, Zoe does a little two-step dance which we have also shared.

Turns out, it isn’t only lunch that we get amped for – it is every one of our meals (or anyone else’s for that matter…just ask Chef Mike next door)!

Breakfasts’ are served mostly by our Mother since Dad is usually still in bed. He is aware when the 15 minute Zoe-zyme treatment has been completed due to the rabid and rapid barking by Zoe.

Dinners are mostly served by Dad somewhere around 530 in the evening. If he is on the couch anytime between say 3 PM and 6 PM and we haven’t been fed yet, Zoe will sit very closely next to him and stare at him. Or she will sit near (or behind) him and NOT look at him at all. The later is her favorite trick: the-I’m-not-looking-at-you-so-not-begging-but-you-aren’t-going-anywhere-without-me ploy.

If he isn’t sitting on the couch, then Zoe will start stalking him where ever he may be. Eventually, our food will be dished up and we are on the clock. I tend to stay put in my chair until the real dinner time is upon us. Zoe sits and watches every movement anyone makes.

Recently, our parents went away for what seemed like forever but our Aunt Diane and Al stayed with us. This is a source for many stories that I may eventually get to if The Scribe stays focused. Anyhow, the reason I bring this up now is that they commented that they really didn’t have to set a timer for when 15 minutes has passed as Zoe is pretty much going to remind you about 14 min. into the treatment that she is ready to eat…NOW.

That’s all I’ve got to say about this subject today, but Zoe did put a little movie together (see below) for you to hopefully enjoy. The last bit is an arrangement of the previously shared “Lunch Dance”.


The Tempest


Sorry for the long time between entries. Of course the Scribe attributes it to all the other things he is doing (see cartoon above) but in reality he doesn’t have to get any writing done…just typing what I dictate to him. Hopefully, over the next few days/weeks, he’ll take some time and transcribe some of our recent exploits!

The Tempest

ps – the cartoonists, for reasons unknown, seriously misspelled DOGS…c-a-t-s????