The Stanford (Christmas) Tree

Last night, while “our dinner was cooking”, we took a stroll around the neighborhood to see the lights people put up to celebrate the holiday season.

These people (our parents) failed compared to what Mother Nature had in store for the evening.

But we didn’t hold it against them since when we got home we had a special dinner – chicken parts along with our kibble.

After we ate, we all hunkered down on the couch in front of our gas fire – real fire being temporarily banned due to poor air quality on The Peninsula. Zoe and I were both looking out the back doors and windows hoping to see Santa…well… Zoe may have forgotten what we were doing.

Eventually, Mom and I went to bed but Zoe, after being reminded Santa was coming, held fast to her vigil…until she fell asleep and Dad covered her with a blanket to keep her warm after he turned off the fire.

In the morning, we celebrated with a lot of … well not much of anything if I am to be honest. The days of hordes of toys apparently are gone.

But after lunch, we did our traditional walk (since we’ve been in CA) to the Stanford Mall to have our picture taken in front of the tree there.

After the long(ish) walk and all the stress of trying to pose for these pictures, we desperately needed a drink. Zoe knew exactly where to go, and being “unleashed” she headed straight to the water. Luckily, Mom was able to step on her leash and the four of us proceeded calmly to the fountains a few meters away.

Despite this short stint at the mall’s watering hall, it was still a long way to get back home. Fortunately for us…well especially Zoe, we happened upon a most wonderful house that had a faucet and bowl at the front of their property for our nation within.

All in all, despite the dearth of dog toys under the tree, it was a fine Christmas Day in NorCal!

The Tempest

A Spot at Luttickens

Open the fridge, now I know life is worth*


Pearl Jam

The last few weekends/Sundays we have been going with our parents to a nearby restaurant for lunch/snacks in the afternoon after Zoe eats her lunch and I chase kibble throughout the downstairs of our rental house. This weekend, because of holidays, we went today (Saturday).

It turns out this place, which we walk past almost every day while Zoe’s zozymes cook during the midday, has awesome fries! Not to mention sandwiches and burritos.

The chairs outside, where I tend to sit, are also quite comfortable.

Zoe spends most of her time under the table or next to one of the chairs our parents happen to be in – being ever hopeful that they will drop something.

The food there is SO good Zoe might have some trouble keeping her saliva under control.

In fact, when Bob, the proprietor of this lovely establishment came out with a slab of sliced beef for us, she just about lost it – her loop of spittle doing acrobatics beneath her chin. The meat was still cool as it was recently taken out of the fridge.*

I, being more refined than my sister, just extended my paw toward the pile of meat which unfortunately Dad intercepted so I looked away like nothing untoward was going to happen.

We eventually split some of the roast beef from Bob but our parents doled it out over time which was quite aggravating. However, I did have enough sun, conversation, and food that once we got home it was time for a postprandial nap.

With that, I’ll end this story and wish a “happy Christmas** to all, and to all a good-night.” 1

The Tempest

** = or any other celebrations you may be having.

  1. ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, Clement Clarke Moore