
So, some of you who follow my stories on this blog, might realize it is still college football season here in the Midwest…and in fact across our entire country.  Therefore, the title of this blog probably brings to mind “Homecoming” dances, games, and other festivities related to alumni returning to their educational nest for a weekend of memories and blasts from the past.  At Michigan, this includes the Alumni Band joining the current crop of musicians and as tradition demands they play two classic songs…”because you can’t have one without the other.”  However, this weekend was not homecoming weekend…that was well over a month ago – a game in which the good guys won.  Which doesn’t mean they did not win this weekend.  In fact, the last two home games have been convincing wins against two rivals – the Domers from Notre Dame and the Michigan State Spartans – both games in less than ideal weather which Zoe and I can attest to as we spent those time periods watching the games (or not) in our FarMor’s house.

Which actually brings me to the point of my story.  During the game this weekend my Aunt K and my cousin Snowy came over – which has been how we’ve been doing things since Zoe jumped the fence and had her negative interaction with an automobile last spring.  Snowy is still a bit reluctant to engage with Zoe after a couple of other negative interactions in which Zoe literally scared the (urine) out of Snowy.  And, by the way, it was really bad form that my parents named my sister Zoe when they knew my cousin was named Snowy…very difficult for us dogs to discern the distinction between those names – especially when they are yelled!  But Snowy and I get along super – maybe in part due to our mutual resentment for the abuse we’ve endured by being in the presence of Zoe.  And we made our alliance quite clear while my parents were at the game:


Zoe was less engaged.  I am not sure if it had to do with the bond Snowy and I were flaunting, the game, or something else.

Then, when my parents returned, I realized she may have thought that her pack had permanently changed…which made me feel bad:

I always come back

…for maybe a minute.

The Tempest

PS-  at some point we have to get a video of how Zoe actually welcomes our parents home.  It is less a hug and more of a springing leap up to their shoulders followed – after presenting them with one of her toys or bones, a bit of running around, squabbling with me, maybe some barking, and/or ignoring them as she barks at the neighborhood dogs,  by her now patented Zoe Hug – which also deserves a photograph.  As luck would have it, mom just walked in and here it is:

Corridors of Power

IMG_0305 2

Recently I was looking through some of our old photos and I found the above cartoon which was, upon reflection, when I first found my true calling as “The Fun Police” – see live photo “movie” back when Sammy and I first met Snowy (pre-Zoe):

Then just recently, a work friend of my parents texted them this gif:


I’m onto you now Snowy…the clothes and “white-face” make-up isn’t going to fool me.  Also, dude, white-face is no longer politically correct.  My real point though, is don’t think you’ll get away with dancing in my corridor – we are not at Genetech!


The Tempest

The Fun Police

“I try to sleep, they’re wide awake, they won’t let me alone
They don’t get paid to take vacations or let me alone
They spy on me, I try to hide, they won’t let me alone
They persecute me, they’re the judge and jury all in one”

Dream Police by Cheap Trick

After hearing this song on Pandora not long ago, I felt this particular sequence was a call to action to me to prevent Zoe from having any fun – especially when playing tug with Mom, Dad or anyone so misguided as to engage in such activities with her (I’m looking at you NM grandparents 😉 ).

My parents tried to describe this behavior to our trainer and said it sounded like I, The Tempest, was The Fun Police!?!?!?! But after asking us to try and reenact what happens, she had no idea how to “treat” this “problem” since Zoe and I would not “perform” for her while we were in class.   Then she looked at my parents like we pups were broken and then I saw a spark in her eye as she realized we were on our best behavior since we were studying.  She said, “Don’t know what to do since the girls obviously are treating this place like it was the school library and home the playground.”

Then someone suggested taking a video (or two) to show her during our next lesson.  Zoe took the initiative to take the couple of clips and turn it into one of her short films – along with a soundtrack from the Cheap Trick (ers).

So today, during our latest training session, we showed our trainer and her colleague, Zoe’s short.  He was working with a beautiful boy, Buddy, who had some issues in his past but had really turned the corner after being at Tops for awhile.  By the way, he is up for adoption at the same place (Orphans of the Storm), that Montana, Zoe and I were adopted!  He is a gorgeous boy, and when Mom asked if he really was looking for a home the colleague said “yes, with someone who is an experienced dog handler.”  to which Mom said –  not us!  Not sure what that means?

Anywho…after a little back and forth between the two trainers, they thought it was worth a shot to see if I would react the same way if Buddy and his handler/trainer played tug…and of course I did since I don’t like it when our kind bark and growl at their kind.  What was fascinating to everyone involved was that Zoe got into the action as well – barking at Buddy.  We were both reprimanded when we played the Fun Police with a sharp tug on our collar.  Buddy and the guy kept playing and we were encouraged to “be free.”  And while we were “free” if we engaged with Buddy we were reprimanded…talk about entrapment! Anyhow, being the smart girls we are, we figured out that being “free” really meant don’t do anything but stand by our respective parent handler.

So, will I play the part of The Fun Police in the future?  Definitely not in the library!  At home?  Probably, since our trainer has yet to come to our casa :).

The Tempest

PS – this was the second consecutive time we went there that I got a mani/pedi – something you may recall I HATE!  But this time, muzzled and tethered like always, I did not get aggressive, or pout.  After the ordeal was over and my restraints were removed, I got a treat – tail wagging the whole time – and then went over and gave my Mom and Zoe a “did you see how well I did?” grin…then I sniffed Zoe’s breath and smelled that she too had a gotten a treat!  And for what?  I can tell that I am really going to have to continue to keep her in line.

Captain of The Fun Police


Startled From a Dream


All of a sudden it came to me – in the midst of my slumber!  The last three days I’ve miraculously had the attention of the scribe…which in a way makes it a trilogy of posts.  So what better conclusion to the smoke alarm, conditional responses, Trick-or-Treat stories than this bit – again from Young Frankenstein:

Zoe may be Frankenstein…

Best wishes to all, and to all a good night,

The Tempest

Face Mask

So, you may think the title of this blog is related to football again after my introduction of Lambeau.  But I am not…this time.

This is in reference to something Zoe and I have been working on a lot over the past year or so in preparation for All Saints Day Eve…or what most people call Halloween in these parts.

At this point, I have to give credit where credit is due.  See, Sammy was a master at the snarl face and so I learned from the best!


And as you can no doubt see, Montana was less than happy with this particular expression from Sambuca.

Back to October 31st.  I’ve learned it is a tradition that children, adults, and even dogs and cats, get dressed in costumes and beg for treats…something Zoe and I have gotten pretty masterful at in our time in this pack.   Anyhow, I thought that one of the “masks” we practiced would be sufficient for this year.  But Zoe was still enamored with her Trump look and wanted to go as him:


Then I explained to her that things weren’t going all that well for our current President and that wearing a wig was not a sufficient costume – although once again Sammy could pull it off like no other:


Then, a few weeks ago, my grandparents from New Mexico were in town and they (grandmother) were (was) so happy that during one of their visits to the Chicago Botanical Garden, was the day of the Spooky Dog Parade.

After which, things went terribly wrong for the two of us:

And then it got even worse:

Then today happened, the day of the actual trick or treating event (more on that in a minute).  And the weather reminded me of a classic song sung famously by Bing Crosby, if I am not mistaken: “I’m Dreaming of a White Halloween”.  And if you don’t remember this song from your youth, just give it time as Global Climate Change takes its toll…not to be a downer.

This limited our ability to go door-to-door for treats.  Luckily, we still got to go for a walk on account of our Dad being home for the furnace guy appointment…talk about timing! On the walk, we passed the home of a friend of ours (Big Boy Kevin) who lives just around the block from us, and he had a fire in his driveway and we were so happy to visit – as we needed to warm up a bit so we could continue on our trek.

But after our walk, back in our own home, some little children knocked on our door.  And, after opening the door, the kids yelling “Trick or Treat”, Dad handed them many treats!  What?  Two of my favorite words.  “Tricks”?  I know plenty of those!  “Treat”? Something I will gladly take whenever – even after performing a trick or two!  I quickly… and stealthily…scooted between his legs through the small opening of the door, following the kids and their bounty.  For what is better than kids and their treats – aside from surf and turf, car rides, off-leash walks (run) in the dog park….But I do love kids…and treats.

I feel there is more to this story, but after all those treats, I am getting a bit heavy-eyed and may need to take a nap.


The Tempest