The Zoom Room

Today, Dad was off…doing whatever it is he does on Wednesday through Friday, and Mom was in her office meeting with her co-workers on Zoom. We usually just have the run of the house when she is working. However, today the gardener at our rental house came by while we were alone – which apparently is not conducive to her meetings as we (Zoe mainly) goes nuts at the backdoor if anyone but our parents are out there…and we are inside. Therefore, Mom corralled the two of us – much easier than herding cats (?) especially if there are treats or “cookies” being used as incentive. So, long story short we spent some time with Mom in her office, AKA The Zoom Room.

At first we found a couple of nice places to take our ritual afternoon nap. So glad Mom closed the closet door for the rest of these photos…

Then I got a little bit warm…and a little uncomfy with the floor so I moved to my pink Big Barker bed.

Zoe got a little uncomfy too so really changed her position in the room.

Eventually, due to the length of Mom’s meeting, the two of us had to rearrange one more time – me moving across the room and Zoe rearranging how she had her tootsies.

Despite having to move a number of times we had good afternoon siestas and we loved hanging with our Mom and learning more about what she does when she is at “work”*.

The Tempest

* Photo credits go to Mom.