Crows of NorCal

Since moving to Northern California, our daily life has been infiltrated more than any other place we’ve lived by the presence of crows. Of course we have seen them everywhere we have lived – those intelligent beady black eyes staring down at us from above. Generally, Zoe and I ignore them…unlike most birds. Zoe is a major league birder and if it wasn’t for the restraint of a leash we’d probably have a lot more fowl dinners.

This is contrast to Montana, our sister who we never met but is the title character in our blogs’ title. She HATED crows. Especially when we were on the land in New Mexico (I am sure there are videos of her antics back then but lets face it, the iPhone photographic technology today is a wee bit – and by wee I mean light years – better than when she was the princess of the pack).

Myself and Zoe maintained our respectful attitude toward the local Murderer’s row of crows in our backyard even when Mom would talk to them on a daily basis. Since she read that these birds have razor sharp memories and intelligence she has not wished to engage their wrath.

This respect lasted until we were with Dad on a drive through Palo Alto (PA) and saw the Mega Crows that they cultivated just a town away! I must admit, this got us on edge a bit.

Then we started seeing them everywhere we went…

A store in PA:

A stroll down one of the main streets of PA:

Suffice it to say, we are growing a bit weary of this neighboring city, despite many of the perks they provide (including one of our favorite fountains!).

I guess it is a analysis to undergo; the pluses and minuses of returning to this obviously pro-Corvus genus community.

The Tempest

For more on the crow project, check out the artist’s webpage:


Early on in my parent’s life as dog owners, they got a pair of golden retriever mixes: Banshee and Sambuca. The story I am about to tell you is based on the oral history of our pack that has been passed down through the generations.

Sammy (aka Sambuca) was the male of The Twins – the first of our kind to join our parents in a pack and Banshee was his liter mate. Previously, their clan was them and two male cats: Boomhauer (Boomer) and Hassenpfeffer (Has). Dad had grown up with a dog, Elsa, but Mom only had Jack the stuffed dog – “who,” and a few others – and of cause Frisky her gerbil(s). But both of them have said they were always dog lovers but from what I have gathered, they are animal lovers. I picked up on this on my own with their ooing and awing over all the animals we pass by on our road trips. This theory was reinforced when our Uncle “Estaban” made a comment about the fact that he could just take Dad’s family to a petting zoo and they’d all be happy instead of driving to the Isle of Skye. There was also some rumblings about Scottish miniature Bison which went right over my head.

Anyhoo, with that preamble (mostly) over, I would like to get to the point of this blog:

RLU: Raised-leg urination is a type of scent marking that is used by both male and female canids.(1)

As my parents were noobs to the dog rearing world, they found it particularly funny when Sammy would raise his leg to pee. He knew innately that this was something he needed to do but when walking in a field how was he to accomplish this feat? He soon learned that a tall blade of grass was all he needed and from then on he displayed his skill with little effort.

An aside: when Montana joined the pack she also took to the RLU with no problem. Unfortunately for a co-worker of Mom’s who had a male dog, it took some coxing from her husband to impart this display of dominance to their dog. Did I mention they were Ohio State fans?

“Lifting their leg allows the dog to aim their pee at a vertical object, and when the urine runs down the object, the larger surface area covered results in a stronger scent,” says Dr. Richardson.Mar 11, 2021 (2)

Anyhow, Montana, Zoe, and I have routinely lifted our legs to pee when the situation called for it. Sometimes on walks I will sniff a spot and just squat to pee. Same for Zoe. There are other times Zoe will RLU and I’ll take a sniff of the area and decide it doesn’t warrant any response. Then, of course, there are times were an RLU “mark-over” is required. This obviously being when I decide to pee over the spot that Zoe already RLUed.

The Tempest

  1. RLU Google search hit #1
  2. RLU Google search hit for “Why do female dogs lift their leg to pee?”

Two Shoes

As I think I have mentioned before, Zoe and I love/need to reward our parents with a gift whenever they come home – whether individually or as a pair. Usually it is something close by the front door which is why they put a basket of our toys there. However, they also have a mat where they leave their shoes so as not to dirty the floors any more than they are from redwood feathers, saw dust (which Dad tracks in from the garage), and sometimes little bits of the innards of our toys – which can look like little soft snow- or cotton-balls. Of course the primary thing littering the floor is all the fur that Zoe sheds daily.

But I digress. The point I am trying to make is how good we are at making them feel welcomed home every time they leave. Since Dad has been biking to Stanford a couple of times a week we have learned he often comes home at a certain time of day so we set up shop inside the front window and wait for him. If for some reason the timing of his arrival is earlier or later, Mom will signal us that he is just down the block with the phrase – rather word: “Girls!” Upon hearing this we charge to the window (often snarling at each other because the other one is somehow impeding the primary path we were taking). We are never quite sure how she knows, and sometimes she is not quite accurate, but it has something to do with “Find My (iPhone).”

Recently, they went out one evening together – which is rare since the Covid Era has become a thing – leaving the two of us behind with two treat filled Kongs and the television tuned into a football game. When they returned days later (?) they were with a third person, John (who we had met before). There was all sorts of jumping, hugging, butt-rubbing, etc. much to the shock and later amusement of John. With the addition of a third person our tradition of bringing rewards was slightly altered.

Then there was another time when Mom was out for what seemed like forever, and she was rewarded with multiple shoes from Zoe at the same time!

This left me a little nonplussed as we usually share the shoe reward between the two of us:

Luckily, Mom wasn’t upset that I didn’t bring her a treat as she was laughing too hard and was astonished and impressed with how Zoe got both shoes in her mouth simultaneously. But Mom did still manage to give me a very rewarding Tempi Butt Rub.

Truly good times!

Hope you are equally enjoying your days.

The Tempest

Social Media Darlings

Yesterday our car was at the local shop for a checkup before we go on an upcoming road trip to NM – our first big trip since moving out to CA last December. The app said it would be ready for pick up at 5 PM when the garage was supposed to close so we all piled into the other car (which we are usually not allowed in as it is Mom’s cartin’ the boss around car) and went to pick it up at 5 sharp.

Unfortunately it was not ready at the assigned time but they extended the work hours to finish our car…and a few others. However, while we were waiting, a nice man came out and took our picture and seconds later we were on their Instagram feed!

Then he became an even better friend to Zoe and I when he returned with treats; giving us not one, but two of them which we took like the princesses we are. Then we sat politely looking in the direction he went hoping, nay expecting – him to come back with more goodies – it being the Halloween season and all. Granted, we didn’t have our costumes on but still…just look at us….don’t we look like we deserve more?

We loitered around a bit outside hoping our car would be ready soon as it was encroaching on our dinner time and I was getting worried that Zoe was going to get very hangry.

Then our new BFF came back out to inform us we were welcome to come inside to wait the last ten minutes or so since they are a dog friendly group. And with that, he not only opened the door for us but presented us with TWO more treats.

All I can say after reflecting on the hour or so we spent there today:

I give this place 5 stars, a thumbs up, a like, and whatever other high rating indices social media sites use on the web.

The Tempest

Feeling a Bit Salty

Today was another bread day in our house, much to the dismay of mom who had to go meet her boss before the warm goodness came out of the oven. You may or may not know this, dear reader, but Mom tries to only eat a little bread on bread days when it is fresh and warm out of the oven. So this is kinda a big deal of sorts to her…

Anywho, she may have lost out but we were home! At some point during the making of the dough or the putting away of the scale, one of us found a box in the cabinet which we assumed had some tasty eats in it – as there is also pasta, sugar, and other palate satisfying yummy goodness in that locale.

As it turns out, after bringing it to one of our Big Barker beds and opening the box, we were extremely disappointed in what we had absconded with – very similar to the sensation we had when tasting the water in the ocean…which only happened once or maybe twice (you cannot fool us too many times). That stuff is seriously not thirst quenching. And this stuff was not rewarding as a treat. In fact, we realized the contents of the box was bought for the chocolate chip cookies that caused Zoe to get her stomach emptied a few months ago.

We realize that sometimes versions of this substance can be used to soften a tough piece of meat, so we let it sit for a while thinking our bed might become as soft as a feather pillow, but to no avail. Not only did our bed not get any more tender, it still tasted horrible.

So why do they keep this poison in the house and in a cabinet that has actual edible items? Who knows. These people are beyond explanation.

At least this time no one had to go to the emergency clinic and everything could be fixed with a quick vacuuming.

The Tempest



“That comes with the territory when you’re a war dog. They go where they are told….even if it is to the gates of hell.”

Guardians of the Night

Alan Russell

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been preoccupied by football, work, and Audible. Fortunately for us, when Dad is listening to his books, whether it be on a walk or while he is doing chores/projects around the house, we are able to listen in. This is how we heard this quote from one of the Sirius and Gideon series of mysteries.

Since we have been to the Gates of Hell…AND back, does that mean Zoe and I are War Dogs?

The book also included a partial recitation of this poem by someone named Unk Nown:

Guardians Of The Night  

Trust in me my friend for I am
your comrade. I will protect you
with my last breath When all
others have left you And the
loneliness of the night closes
in, I will be at your side.

Together we will conquer all
obstacles, And search out
those who might wish harm to
others. All I ask of you is
compassion, The caring touch
of your hands. It is for you that I
will unselfishly give my life And
spend my nights unrested.
Although our days together
May be marked by the passing
of the seasons Know that each
day at your side is my reward.

My days are measured by The
coming and going of your
footsteps. I anticipate them at
every opening of the door. You
are the voice of caring when I
am ill. The voice of authority
when I’ve done wrong.
Do not chastise me unduly For
I am your right arm, The sword
at your side. I attempt to do
only what you bid of me. I seek
only to please you and remain
in your favor.

Together you and I shall
experience A bond only others
like us will understand When
outsiders see us together Their
envy will be measured by their

I will quietly listen to you And
pass no judgment, Nor will your
spoken words be repeated I will
remain ever silent, Ever vigilant,
ever loyal. And when our time
together is done And you move
on in the world Remember me
with kind thoughts and tales,
For a time we were unbeatable,
Nothing passed among us

If we should meet again on
another street I will gladly take
up your fight, I am a Police
Working Dog and together We
                are guardians of the night.    

The Tempest