A True Marvel

Not bragging or anything but I am a bit of a marvel.   If you doubt it, you can just ask me and I’ll set you straight.

As an example, I just found these new filters that allow me to turn any picture or film that I take with my parents’ iPhones into new creations using all sorts of cool effects including “ink”, “watercolor”, or “Comic Book”.   I was mostly attracted to the “comic book” filter for two reasons:

1) We’ve watched a lot of Marvel-based shows on Netflix since I’ve arrived at my forever home – and I am always riveted to the narrative.

2) I recently read that the creator of Marvel comics, Stan Lee, passed away from cardiac arrest.  Gonna miss him – although I guess I never met him I would still like to thank him for all the great characters I have enjoyed on our AppleTV.  At least we have this new filters he inspired so maybe Zoe and I can create some neo-canine comic strips!

On another note, one we aren’t really talking about around the house this week, but the Michigan football season is over now (aside from a bowl game sometime in January).   In other words, maybe now the Scribe can focus his attention on all the stories I hope to relate to you (although he’ll probably get consumed by basketball or hockey now).  But there is always hope since they’ll be confined to the house due to the Chicago winter conditions that have descended upon us.


The Tempest

In case the first video link doesn’t work for copyright reasons then try this one:

The Fugitive

There I was, minding my own business on the couch this morning – like every other morning – when there was a terrible clanging coming from the dog room.  Yeah, Zoe had be totally loco throughout the early morning hours as there were leaf collection trucks, delivery vehicles, and other random noises coming from the neighboring yards, but she didn’t seem to relax one iota after my parents left for work.

Skipping ahead now to the moment when our dog walker came by our abode around 12:30 PM in the early afternoon and the discovery that I was not alone on the couch.  I might not have mentioned this before but during the day I am allowed free reign of the house – except where gates are put up to block my access and certain rooms in which the doors have been closed.  On the other side, Zoe, who is not as trusted by my ‘rents, spends her days in her metal crate in our room.  Now that noise I heard within our walls that I was telling you about a second ago was Zoe going coo-coo in her crate…so much so that she soon joined me on the couch.  Our parents would have been oblivious to this fact since by the time they returned home she had been captured and returned to her crate…if it weren’t for the technology we have today.

This “shame” photo from our friend from A Paw Above the Rest that they got in a text message gave it away though:56391709408__5208E0CC-B7A5-42F7-BC9E-A679226D99EE.jpeg

The Tempest

-sorry for the lack of communication recently – despite the vast experiences we’ve had lately that I would like to relate to my readers, The Scribe has been a bit preoccupied by the recent success of the Michigan football team.  This current short entry may be the last time I get his attention until after The Team visits the dreaded Buckeyes in Columbus in a few weeks…but maybe I can distract him enough to get another one or two blogs out before then.  If not, Happy Thanksgiving everyone….one of my favorite holidays since it centered around food 🙂