Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Before I start, I want to say I hope you all had a great end of 2023 and had a Happy New Year. Also, best wishes for the rest of 2024 – hope everyone stays safe and enjoys all the seasons of this new year.

So, as you may recall, we spent the last two winters in California where we experienced some atmospheric rivers resulting in a lot of rain, but we didn’t have temperatures cold enough to produce sleet let alone snow. 

A few weeks ago, we took a road trip up to the King Arthur Store in Vermont where we got to “experience” snow again while there.

But look at this sad scene! It is hardly what I would call snow. In fact, we saw that the nearby ski hill in (or near) Hanover New Hampshire (the home of Dartmouth College) had barely any snow – although there were a few sad souls trying to generate some speed on the bunny slope…pathetic really.

Back in Carlisle, we haven’t had any snow what-so-ever…resulting in a non-white Christmas for us. Likewise, New Years Eve was equally lacking flakes of white falling from the sky.

That all ended today…well actually it ended late last night, but we were snuggled down inside in front of the fire (and then in our parent’s comfy bed) so really didn’t notice/interact with it until this morning.

But once we were awake…we were so excited by the snow! Maybe we’ll get more presents soon since it is definitely “white” outside now!!!

Below are a few pics of our neighborhood and yard I had my parents take for this post of mine. And a few more of Zoe and I enjoying the winter wonderland view of our yard from our couch as we stay hygge inside.

Talk to you soon,

The Tempest