Weeding Day

So apparently yesterday was the 8th Weeding day my parents have celebrated.  I must admit this confuses me to no end.

  1. My dad got out the lawnmower and ran around the yard once (both front and back) – but he did no weeding what-so-ever.
  2. In the short time I have lived with them I have seen them weed more the 8 times.  In fact, sometimes when we are going for our morning or evening walks my parents will stop – before we even get off of our sidewalk – bend down and pull some nascent trees or infiltrating grass from our flower beds.  If it wasn’t obvious to you, this is a VERY annoying behavior.
  3. I am sure there is a third point I had but I got distracted by my (and Sammy’s) insistence that we go for a walk…NOW!


So we are back, and I am still confused about Weeding day.

Apparently, what they were rambling on about is that it was their WEDDING anniversary.  The whole weeding day thing was based on a card they got from my mother’s cousin’s child.   To be fair to the kid, they were only 3 or 4 years old AND my parents did get married at the Chicago Botanic Garden (and don’t think it is the “botanical” or the “gardens” or you will sorely be mistaken).   Anyhow, you can understand how the kid got confused.  Although I still have no photographic evidence that this error (typographical of conceptual) actually occurred I’ll have to take my parents word on it.

I’ll spare you any of the actual photographs from their wedding – neither of them are photogenic (and Sammy, Banshee, Boomer and Has weren’t invited). but I will leave you with these photos of the “best man” and “brides maid” and the portraits of the above mentioned children!


FYI – those aren’t our siblings…just our friends next door – or across the street depending on the year (kind of like leap year but different).


4 thoughts on “Weeding Day

  1. i love those pictures montygirl. even if they are mostly of humans.
    and some cute little humans at that!
    and i happen to think your parents are both VERY photogenic.
    so would love to have seen their weeding pictures here!
    tell them that for me please.
    here’s to more walks … less weeds … more treats … less interruptions …
    you get the idea! XOXO♥


  2. Happy Anniversary Hu-Mom and Hu-dad! Yes, tammy, they are photogenic. I will put some pictures of them at the wedding in a near-future post. Assuming the ‘Rents don’t object. 🙂


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