Slumber Party

For the first week or so in our new abode we had no furniture – aside from a couple of dog beds that we traveled with in the car, and a Sleep Innovations bed our Mom had the foresight to order from our friends at the Amazon which arrived the same day we did.

I just realized I have never provided you any information – aside from innuendo – about our move to Menlo Park CA. Yes, this move took us from one coast to the other and took about 5 days (or so) to get from point A to point B. Granted, the days spent in the car were not particularly long relative to some of our other road trips, and we were fortunate enough to miss most of the bad weather along the way. This was much different from our return trip from New Mexico this summer which I still have to fill you in on…due to the fact that Zoe hasn’t finished her video from our stay in Nebraska. But I wouldn’t want to throw her under the bus so I won’t talk about this fact.*

*this was a brilliant tactic I heard not too long ago on some media outlet. the woman speaking said it was someone’s fault (who she named) but followed that up with a not to blame clause – even though the person had already been run over by a 16-wheeler…win/win is what I took away from that interview.

Anywho, for the first week we had many slumber parties on the dog beds in front of the gas fire – which warmed us up but lacked that nice woody odor of our fireplace in Carlisle or the one at our Grandparents place in the NM mountains. It also turns out the the box the bed came in was a great dog crate in the absence of my normal one.

Then one day, all the rest of our stuff – well most of it, since we left some stuff back in Massachusetts since we are planning on returning there in 3-5 years – arrived! Most of it was still in boxes but our Big Barker Beds were available to us in almost no time. As were our favorite chairs and the couch we like hanging out on in the mornings with Mom and in the evenings while watching movies/binging on Netflix shows as a pack.

Then there was the added bonus of all those boxes and the packing paper contained within! Joyous!!!

Eventually the boxes and paper (well most of the paper) was put away and stored for our return trip to Massachusetts…whenever that may be. We were a bit bummed by the disappearance of these extra places to nap, but we got over it soon enough!

The Tempest

4 thoughts on “Slumber Party

  1. That’s grand to have you catch some of us up on your current new adventure, I did know you had moved from other posts via your NM G/Mother. But to hear how you are finally getting used to a new place. I would imagine having a proper fire box won’t necessarily be warranted now you’ve in California!

    I look to reading about your walking places in the vicinity of your new home, not just the ocean. And the new pals you might meet, including more about Chef Mike 🙂 and his family…


  2. even though I am sure you did not enjoy all of this I can say I just had a joyful time reading and looking at you. what a trip you had. and now for the fun of Mama going off to work, and for getting the rest of the house together. we know you had at least one day at the pacific ocean, so that is good to remember while on your chairs. so happy you are almost back to a normal life. now if we could only get the stingy chef next door to share the grilled food


  3. what wonderful places you’ve found to Lounge!
    so glad it’s all working out. and I love how you always Go with the Flow! XOXO


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