Finally Settled

Sorry it has been so long since I’ve posted. A lot has gone on since I last got the attention of the Scribe – including:

  1. Preparing and then celebrating our FarMor’s 90th birthday in June. Her actual B-day was in May but Dad was the only one of us to fly out for that dinner to attend with his siblings and their partners. But the June shindig included; grandchildren, great-grandchildren, extended family members, and of course some of the fur-relatives.
  2. Arriving back in MA and re-acquainting ourselves with the yard, neighbors, and of course, waiting for all our stuff we moved to CA to catch up with us. Luckily, we left a number of things behind so we had a bed, towels and soap…although one of our BESTEST FAVORITE neighbors (more on them later) actually provided some of these things for our parents when we finally got home!
  3. Checking in with our Vet here in MA to get back on their books and make sure the temporary vets in CA didn’t mess anything up.
  4. Unpacking and trying to integrate and organize all our stuff from CA with the stuff we left behind in MA.
  5. Taking time to get our parents back on track in terms of catching up with their health care providers…which is actually still on-going, but at least Dad got his gap tooth finally fixed with a dental implant -so he looks less like a yokel.
  6. Getting our yard back in order…which is also a work in progress. Especially since our presence seems to make some parts less ordered? Is that possible?
  7. Etc, etc.

But last night, as our parents were over at the aforementioned neighbors to pay respects to the late Jimmy Buffet, I finally felt I was back at home.

It was actually Zoe that narc’ed on me and got our parents to come home 15 minutes earlier than they had planned by barking and barking. Our parents (especially Mom) hearing her calls of distress assumed it was because she was hangry that her second portion of dinner was not being presented her in a manner she thought timely (we got half our dinner before they left for their Jimmy tribute). But Mom worried… Zoe was really channeling Mom and thus Mom wanted to go home right then.

When they got close to home (they kinda started to jog towards the end, Zoe was so insistent something was wrong) they found out that she was actually reprimanding me for “breaking the rules” of our household, when it really was only me finally really feeling back at home! I mean really… what is wrong with being on the counter?

The Tempest

Apparently, being on the kitchen counter when our parents aren’t here (or maybe ever) is one of those “rules”.

Note: Wouldn’t you know that when The Scribe tried to add the above pictures to my first blog in …forever?…that the computer would crash! Fortunately, when it rebooted, the text I had dictated was still there. Phew!

3 thoughts on “Finally Settled

  1. OH MY WORD! Tempi, what were you thinking. I am so glad your sister tattled and that you did no harm to yourself. I have missed seeing you and Zoe and hearing about the goings on of the move. Welcome Back… I keep up with some of what goes on with your Grandma, but personal is better. We need lots of photos of both of you to make sure you are still ok


  2. LOL

    Tempi “bad dog” – you have always been the more “good dog” as far I’ve seen

    And yes you would need to rearrange the garden back to your standards

    And great you’ve back in MA


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